
I'm rubbish .

I pretend that I'm fine ...

should I care anyone or anything in my life ?
cause I can't feel someone or something is caring on me ...

I just so suck and lifeless ...
I'm a loser ... yes , just admit it ...

anyone knows ?
why I always keep silent and no matter what , I hide my emotional and never cry ...

cause I'm afraid ... I afraid that if I really did , nobody will care or concern ..
shame *

why you all always blame me ?
always blame how I not enough good and how I'm bad ..

izzit somebody can care my feelings ?
I really feel tired to being what you all want me to be !!!

all my fault ... even I care , I cry ..

what's going on ? .....
always blame how I didn't care on you all
but really have anyone care about me ?!

what's my problems , why I sad , why I drunk
have anyone care about ?

what the fuck !!!
should I deserve this shit ? should I ?

how tired I hardworking on life you will never know and you don't even try to know !!

why I drunk all the time ? have you care ??
just always blame I like a chill , like to drunk cause have fun ?
fuck you !

do you know how suffer and pain I'm living on ?!

is fed up ! is enough !

please stop to blame ! okay ?

I hate I cry ... I feel so ugly ..

now I know why everyone said : " I laugh , never mean I'm really happy ... I smile , just politely ..."

maybe I really deserved this shit ... cause I'm a loser ...
I'm not enough strong to show you what I want ...

I just can write at here to show how much I really sad of ...

or maybe you are right ... I'm selfish ...
but , don't you too ?

I just can pretend that I don't care ..
I just can pretend that I don't sad ..

even how much I feel enough ... I just can fake a smile and say :"I'm okay ^_^"

I'm a shit . keep going blame me or scolded me or do whatever u like to hurt me ...

I fell down ... not going to stand up ...
I need a rest ... give my heart a break ...

I feel numb ... let me be a fool ...

sorry , my fault again .

是否我走每一步路都是错的 ?
confused ... I lost my way absoluetly ...


Club ; Night Life ;)

One day when the sky is falling, I'll be standing right next to you :)

ngek ngek ngek , 我肥来嚧 ! ╮(‵▽′)╭
当然 ,希望你们不要气我因为我常言而无信。哈哈哈

我现在可是拼了老命不睡上来一次过更新的说 ! ( ▔- ____-)y-~ 抽煙

很感谢""的离开 ,让我获益良多 , 感恩啦。哈哈哈

自由真的让真正我重新复活了 ! ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ

我都会出现在Club啦 。很享受Party Rock , 很享受大家一起疯的感觉
[ 虽然我性格不活跃 哈哈哈 ]

Picture ~~

G6 night ~ ψ(╰_╯)

没有心情的一天 ,随便打扮随便就出门了
好丑 ╮(╯3╰)╭

那天认识的痴 。哈哈哈
Dennis , me , Alan :)

散场后 ;)
John , Abby , me , Alan :)


其实在G6拍的照片有很多 ,只是不知在谁的电话了。
哈哈哈 ,最记得那天喝到烂醉
我竟然自己一个躺在Garden Car Park 睡着了 !!

天啊 ,睡醒后吓死自己
幸好是朋友家 (⊙_⊙)!!
阿娘喂 ,我以后不敢了 ( 〒▽〒 ) - 淡定

Paparazzi Night ~ ψ(╰_╯)

它里面的设计和外面的设计都美呆了 ! (/≧▽≦/) 

每个星期六都几乎爆满 ,里面的温度真的Hot爆 !
差点窒息丧命在里面 ,哈哈哈 !╮(╯◇╰)╭

这天跟久违的朋友去 ,哈哈哈

打扮也满随便的 ,因为很临时咧 ~ ( ‵□′)

可能因为开始有Checking了 , 所以幸好那天没有
不然真的会再次窒息 ╭(﹊∩∩﹊#)╮

散场后 ~ ;)
Roti , 鸿 , me :)

另一天在Paparazzi 的照片 ;)
Alan ;)

这次第次去Paparazzi的照片 。哈哈哈
那天迷路 ,很晚才到 ╮(╯◇╰)╭
Frankie ;)

My Beloved Abby (daihai) hahahahhas !

Samantha ^0^

Chris Yuan ;)

Johsef (BFF) :D

Rawang's friend ;)

My Beloved BaoBao ! <3<3

Banana Ape ! John . hahahhas

Coffee Price , REX ! Σ(☉▽☉")

Jibai Kah Chun ! hahahas


Black Magic Night ~  ψ(╰_╯)

如果没记错 ,应该是第次去Black Magic的时候

norh ! 她是八婆 (‵▽′)ψ
My Beloved Miying ! <3<3

这件衣服穿到我像肚子似的 ,好后悔 /.\

这 ..... 已经忘了第几次下Black Magic 了 :x

Viter ;)


这一天心情差极 ! 而且是没理由那种 ,
衰的是 ~ 真赶羚羊的 , 怎么喝都醉不了 !
Call me Emo Queen T..T

这是第次下Black Magic ~ 哈哈哈
真呆 /.\

Miying ;)

Kexin ;)

希望下次在Club会见到更多的朋友们 ;)

可惜好景不常在 ,我快要开工了 :x
时间,地点先保密 。吼吼吼吼 ( A____A )v

以后会是很充实的日子 ! 哈哈哈
Hope the time Past fast , I really hope my busy Life would Start ;)

下一篇 - Happy Family dayyyyyyy <3 ┴┴~\(≥▽≤)/~┴┴

期待我下一篇吧 ~ update soon ! xoxo .

End Post by MM Lee 


失败的分手 。

告诉自己 ,眼泪不能掉 ... 一滴也不能 :)

自从上次后 ,我再也没有勇气检查你的信息了 。
不知刚刚拿来的勇气看你的信息 ,
哈哈哈 、多愚蠢
为何不再把自己蒙骗 ? 不再自欺欺人了 ?

对 ,没错 ... 你还有跟你最爱的她 ,联络 。

现在熟睡在我隔壁的你 ,知道现在的我 .. 有多错愕吗 ?

我没有生气 ,没有像上次一样吵闹你起床了 。
因为 .... 都已经不必再有任何的解释了 。

我真的好想哭 ,但却觉得自己太傻 ,不敢哭 。

你知道吗 ? 自从那一天你告诉我她有多好 ,你有多喜欢她后
我努力付出多少吗 ? 我逼到自己连发脾气 ,连生气的权利也埋没了 。

一直在想 ,你快乐我就快乐 ,哈哈哈 、多傻
一直在想 ,我们九年后会怎样
一直在想 ,付出的你一定看见
一直在想 ,你是否还想念她 ....

我一直很害怕 ,真的很怕

我自由被束缚 ,都无所谓
可惜 ,你根本不懂得珍惜我

我真的笑了 ,哭着笑了
真的该面对现实了 ...

在你心目中 ,我有什么地位 ? 真的那么差吗 ? 真的不如她吗 ?

is okay ........

is over ..
谢谢你这三个月的陪伴 ,让我好的幻想 ,很多期待

你走吧 ,我会好好生活 ,比现在更会努力的 。

揭穿自己和你的谎言 ,是否正确 ?
可能我也有错 ,是我一手揭穿这美丽的谎言的 。:)

其实没必要再删除信息隐瞒我 ,如果不爱就说嘛 .. 我可不是软弱的人 。

bye my love , remember I said about the "Key and Lock" 's story ?
so long ago ... I wish I'm the Key , and open you Heart Lock ..
But now I realize ... My Key is WRONG . :)

all wrong ... just like a beautiful nightmare ...
I chose to wake up ... Cause is really HURT ...

thankyou .

以前的我们 ,好快乐 :)
我希望回忆会是美好的 。


"Rumour Has It"

"Rumour Has It"
She, she ain't real,
She ain't gonna be able to love you like I will,
She is a stranger,
You and I have history,
Or don't you remember?
Sure, she's got it all,
But, baby, is that really what you want?

Bless your soul, you've got your head in the clouds,
She made a fool out of you,
And, boy, she's bringing you down,
She made your heart melt,
But you're cold to the core,
Now rumour has it she ain't got your love anymore,

Rumour has it, rumour,
Rumour has it, rumour,
Rumour has it, rumour,
Rumour has it, rumour,
Rumour has it, rumour,
Rumour has it, rumour,
Rumour has it, rumour,
Rumour has it, rumour,

She, is half your age,
But I'm guessing that's the reason that you strayed,
I heard you've been missing me,
You've been telling people things you shouldn't be,
Like when we creep out and she ain't around,
Haven't you heard the rumours?

Bless your soul, you've got your head in the clouds,
You made a fool out of me,
And, boy, you're bringing me down,
You made my heart melt, yet I'm cold to the core,
But rumour has it I'm the one you're leaving her for,

Rumour has it, rumour,
Rumour has it, rumour,
Rumour has it, rumour,
Rumour has it, rumour,
Rumour has it, rumour,
Rumour has it, rumour,
Rumour has it, rumour,
Rumour has it, rumour,

All of these words whispered in my ear,
Tell a story that I cannot bear to hear,
Just 'cause I said it, it don't mean that I meant it,
People say crazy things,
Just 'cause I said it, don't mean that I meant it,
Just 'cause you heard it,

Rumour has it, rumour,
Rumour has it, rumour,
Rumour has it, rumour,
Rumour has it, rumour,
Rumour has it, rumour,
Rumour has it, rumour,
Rumour has it, rumour,
Rumour has it, rumour,
Rumour has it, rumour,
Rumour has it, rumour,
Rumour has it, rumour,
Rumour has it, rumour,
Rumour has it, rumour,
Rumour has it, rumour,

But rumour has it he's the one I'm leaving you for.


Random :)

感覺空空的 ,沒什麼事情想更新。
因為每天不是工作 ,就是睡覺 ;空餘時間都在忙碌家的事情 ..
繳水電費 ,買菜 ,煮飯 ,掃地抹地類似的 =..=

不做死我就真的偷笑了 D:

親愛的、一個月快樂 :)

簡單的相處方式 ,不再吵架 ,不再鬧脾氣
我都答應你 :)

我寶貝女兒 ( *___* )v
超聰明雖然喜歡亂大小便 =..=

沒什麼更新了 ,下次再up :)
現在是深夜4:47 a.m

晚安了各位 。



will you remember me ? :)

多久沒更新了 ? 自己也快忘了有這個部落格了
因為最近都忙於工作 ,宿舍可沒電腦啊 :(

還有人在關注我嗎 ?
讓你們久等了 ,鞠躬道歉也太遲了 哈哈

這篇沒寫任何人 ,就只有
關於我最近的一切一切 :)

怕悶的快快按 x 關掉 ,不然悶到你我可不負責 :P

從2月6號起,我就一個人搬去 Rawang 住了 :)
多麼勇敢啊 =..=

一個人住不堅強真的不行 ,除了難熬、還是難熬

我都熬過了 :)
過得不錯 ,還胖了 哈哈哈

現在妹妹也上來跟我住了 ,唯一不快樂的是離開了爸媽
但希望你們能諒解 :)

為了讓自己更獨立些 ,我自己選擇一個人生活
當成功後 ,我一定回來孝順你們 :)

網友和讀者們 ,這是我一直沒有更新的理由
我一個月才回來次啊 T____T

這是我收到的情人節禮物 :)
hmm ... 不多 ,但很貼心
雖然在工作中度過 ,但也總好過一個人過 :P

現在的我更加明白金錢的重要 ,
有時付出十分耕耘 ,也真的未必有一分的收穫 :)

做工能力好 ,被人嫉妒
做工能力差 ,被人說無能
被客人看上 ,竟然是我的錯
不跟客人聊天 ,也是我的錯

針對明顯到寫在你的額頭了 ,大姐 :)

不過無所謂 ,我不在乎你如何針對

因為現實的殘酷和你肚子 "餓不餓" 會逼著你面對回現實世界中 :)

好像遊戲般 ,
要不停的磨練 ,才能闖關成功

輸了從來 ,跌倒了要爬起來
這條通道走不通 ,就走別的
不然永遠闖不了關卡 ,感受不到成功的喜悅

對自己有要求 ,才會進步
有時幻想就夠了 ,還是利用多點時間面對事實吧 :)

時間差不多了 ,我肚子在喊救命了 哈哈哈
大家晚安 ,下星期off 我就回來再更新 :)

have a nice day , to all of you , all my dearest ;))